
Sunday, March 27, 2011

To Never Be Forgotten

So today was a day that was spent at many museums. I actually love to go to museums and wish I would go more often. I have a membership to the Pittsburgh Museums and the MoMA but never seem to find the time to go. I really want to make it a point to start going more. So Pittsburgh friends, who wants to go to the Museum? But I digress, It was cool to be able to spend the day walking through the museums looking at different bits of history and culture. We ended the day at Yad Vashem. I don't know that I would call it a museum as much as a memorial to the Jewish people and their suffering from the Holucost. This is sersiously probably one of the most moving parts of the whole trip for me. (it was last year as well) How anyone could even try to say it didn't happen or it is exaggerated I am not sure. Yad Vashem is such a beautiful memorial to such a black and ugly time. I weep for what those people went through. Hazy, our guide at Yad Vashem, who concidently I had last year when I was here, is amazing. She is an artful and engaging story teller, honoring those that were so tragically murdered. For me the most heartwrenching is the children and their mothers. I don't currently have children but to think what mothers and fathers must have felt not being able to care for their children as they wanted to. For the children, so innocent to suffer so deeply and never be given the chance to realize the dreams their parents had for them.... The old verse about First they came for....and I stood silent.... I would like to hope that I wouldn't have stood silent that I would have tried to help in some small way as so many men, women and families did. I would like to hope that I would have been on of the many who supported my fellow brothers and sisters. I believe that in honoring them and their memory we need to honor Israel. That we need to stand with Israel and show our support of her and her people. We need to pray, we need to educate ourselves but more importantly we need to come to Israel and show our support. Hazy, quoted today a man (and forgive I don't remember who and wrote so fast, I hope I got it right) "It's not the violence of few that scares me but the silence of many"

1 comment:

  1. I am loving your blog. Deeply touched by your experiences in Israel. I can't wait to hear more when you are back.
