
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sailing on the Sea

One of things I always look forward to in Israel is the chance to sail on the Sea of Galilee in a replica boat from the time of Jesus. It's so cool. To be out on the sea and just look out over the water at the beautiful landscape and know that on this very water, Jesus taught, spent time with his disciples, calmed the storm,... It's unimaginable to me.

Our crew on the ship were great. Eyal was a one man show, he showed for us how fishermen cast out their nets, sang and danced with us.

Being able to go out on the boat was a highlight of the trip so far. It was really cool the way it worked out as well... We hadn't had a boat scheduled in advance and out guide said their wouldn't be a way to get one at that late notice. I was a little disappointed but at least we were able to come and see the boats and be along the sea. That in itself was a blessing. As we were shopping and preparing to leave I turned around and there was Joanne. She and I met last year at a conference in Nashville. I had just seen her again at the begginning of the month in Nashville at the same conference. So I was excited to say hello. Joanne helps to run one of the boat companies and not only did she have room for us but she also gave the trip to us as a gift. She is awesome and definitly the hero of the trip.

1 comment:

  1. This is so amazing! I am so happy for your friend, Joanne, and that you and the group were able to experience this.
