
Saturday, March 26, 2011

New Friends

There's always those moments and people that you meet along your travels that have an impact on you. They could have been someone from a hotel or restaurant or any other number of places.... Today we met a group of men from Congo. They were traveling to Israel as a pilgrimage to their faith and were so excited to be here and profess their faith and love of God. They were awesome! They were so excited to meet us and talk and take pictures. Very cool!

While Congo was their home they were forced to leave it as a result of the unrest that has been happening there in the last years. They shared with us that over 7 million men, women and children have been masacred. They were amazing! They are now living in Dublin, Ireland, which warms this Irish girl's heart.

In Israel, you see so many people from different countries and nations around the world that come to see the sites of the bible. It's truly one of the most inspiring things. You hear so many languages all lifted in prayer and celebration.

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