
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hello Blogworld

I have been wanting to start this blog for a while. I guess I just kept thinking I don't have time today but maybe next week. But next week always gets replaced by the busyness of the reality of what next week is.

Okay, so I have to admit finally starting this blog is two-fold.

First, I've been wanting to so why not now? I wanted a place to share the creative projects I like, the ones I am attempting, and those that just plain inspire me and make me want to attempt. I love the moment of looking at something and seeing what it can be or knowing I can do that. I am fortunate to know amazingly creative people from my mother to my friends to my co-workers. I am proud to say most of the artwork on my walls at home has been done by friends and people I know.

My second reason and maybe right now the most important is I am leaving for Israel in 3 days. I still can't believe it's finally here! While I am traveling I wanted to be able to share my trip with my friends, family and anyone interested. This is my second time going to Israel. I was there last March, and it was AMAZING. Honestly, I think everyone should visit at least once (and let me say when you visit once you will want to go back.) And before someone comments that I should say that since my job is handling marketing, branding, and communication for the Israel Ministry of Tourism for the Christian Market, I really do believe it. My trip to Israel last year was truly life changing. I can not wait to go back! It truly was one of my best trips ever. So stay tuned for pictures and lots of thoughts on my trip.

As I move forward with this blog I would love to hear your thoughts, please visit frequently and let me know what you are thinking about things.

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