So it's April 2. The day after April Fool's Day. And the joke is on us, it's snowing. In April.... There were actually plows out on the roads this morning. I am so ready for warm weather. Come on! Phil did not see his shadow this year, I thought we were supposed to be done with this.
I'm dreaming of outdoor picnics, bonfires, hanging on the deck with the grill fired up, flip flops and sandals, hiking, all the fun summer activities I miss during the cold winters.
I'm not one of those people who thinks it needs to be in the 80's and 90's all the time, I actually love the change of seasons. I love the fall, the first smell of cold in the air. (And yes, cold has a smell to me) but I think it's time, time for sunshine and warmer weather, time to put away the sweaters and coats (not that I usually wear a coat)
I've even been dreaming about going to a baseball game. And I don't generally do the baseball game thing, I'm a hockey fan through and through.
So please, Mr. Sunshine, come out to stay. Pretty Please!
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