
Thursday, March 24, 2011

AAA in Israel

Okay so anyone that knows me well knows I have AAA and I know how to use it. Sometimes too much although with the new automatic lights it hasn't been so bad, I wonder if my friends at road side assistance miss me....

However, today we could have used it, too bad they don't have it in Israel. So we are driving along, personally, I think our bus driver thinks he is in a Camero and that the bus can corner like no ones business. Don't be fooled that's not the case. So we are driving (well flying might be more accurate) down this hilly road with some curves and suddenly we hit the mother of all potholes and the next sound I hear is the hissing of tires. A flat. On a downward hill, with curves and only two lanes.

So we all load off the bus and proceed to unload all the luggage to get to the spare. The guys, being the men they are all start trying to help. And the ladies? Used it as a chance to pick some flowers. I know insert a snarky sterotyped comment here.

With some help of some awesome locals (the Israeli version of AAA, help thy fellow man) we were finally able to get on our way and get some falafels.


  1. This sounds verrrry familiar... :)

    Glad you guys got through the flat crisis!

  2. Amber as we sat there trying to change it, I was totally thinking of you!
